How To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month and now more than ever, it is important to take a step back, take a deep breath, and check in with yourself. 2023 has been a crazy year for so many of us and this month, and every other month, I hope that you know it is okay to not be okay and ask for the help you need. By destigmatizing mental health and the way we view those who are transparent about their struggles with it, we are creating space for all of us to be more cognizant of our neighbor and how we can be better to each other, for each other. Here are three ways you can celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month this May:

  1. Practice mindfulness throughout each day. Pay attention to your breath and the sensations in your body. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to the present moment.

  2. Treat yourself. Whether that means ordering in from your favorite restaurant, buying those new shoes you’ve had your eye on or just taking a much needed day off from work to just be. You deserve it!

  3. Do one activity that is beneficial to your mind, body or spirit. Whether that be going to a workout class or finally booking that therapy session your friend has been nudging you on. It may feel like a task but you will thank yourself for it!

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month and remember to check in with yourself and your loved ones this May.