How to Support Black-Owned Business

In 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau stated there were 2.6 million Black-owned businesses in the United States of America. While this makes up less than 10% of all businesses in the nation, Black entrepreneurs are still proving to be on the rise and fearlessly paving the way for future generations. Most people do not think twice about who is the creator of the product they are purchasing, but as the #BlackLivesMatter movement continues to emphasize change for social justice, the support for Black people is needed in every direction and industry. Here are a few ways that you can start helping Black businesses as quickly as today!

Spread the Word

You may not be able to financially contribute right now and that is absolutely okay. In fact, spreading the word is just as beneficial for Black businesses! Give them a positive review on Yelp or their social media platforms, share their posts on your social media, or tell your friends how much you enjoy the company. Does this really help? Yes, it does! Most people believe recommendations from friends and family instead of traditional marketing; in fact, 92% of them do

Think Intentionally

Before running into your local chain retailer, ask yourself if you can buy that product from a Black-owned business. Chances are you most likely can. Most shopping these days does not even require you to leave your house! You have the luxury to browse different sites at ease and find what you like best. Sometimes you do not even have to look far to find a Black business owner. There may even be one right down the street from you.


If you find yourself often investing in new products, software, or ideas, you can do the exact same with Black businesses. There are Black-owned banks, technology companies, and an abundance of others that are eager to have others believe in them and their ideas. Regardless of race or ethnicity, there is always potential for risk when it comes to investment. However, is it not better to invest in the people that need your support most? 

Black businesses are making significant strides, but this is just the beginning! Through continued support and investments, we will soon see at least a million more Black business owners.
